Act |
Act |
Short title extent and commencement.
(1)This Act may be called the Madhya Pradesh
Madhyamik Shiksha Adhiniyam, 1965
(2)It extends to the whole of Madhya Pradesh
(3)This section shall come into force at once and sections 2 to 32 shall come into on such
as the state Government may, by notification, appoint.
In this Act, unless is anything repugnant in the
subject or context,-
(a) "Board" means the Board of Secondary Education established under
section 3
(b) "Bye-law" means a bye-law made under this Act
(c) "Chairman" means the Chairman of the Board appointed under Section 5
(d) "Executive Committee" means the Executive Committee constituted under
Section 19.
(e) Other Backward Classes means the other Backward Classes of citizens as
specified by the state Government vide Notification No. F.85/XXV-4-84, dated the 26th
(f) "Institution" means an institution imparting Secondary Education or an
institution not admitted to the privileges of any University established by law and
imparting training to the teachers for a certificate or a diploma course as the case
may be, and includes a part of an institution.
(g) "Local bodies" means a Municipal Corporation constituted under the Madhya
Pradesh Municipal Corporation Act. 1956 (No 23 of 1956), a Municipal Council or a Nagar
Panchayat constituted under the Madhya Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1961 (No. 37 of 1961),
or a Gram Panchayat, Janpad Panchayat or Zila Panchayat, constituted under the Madhya
Pradesh Panchayat Raj adhiniyam, 1993 (No. 1 of 1994) as the case may be"
(h) "Managing Committee" means the managing committee constituted by the
foundation society or the governing body, as the case may be, of a recognised institution
(i) "Middle School Education" means such education as the state Government may,
by notification, define from time to time.
(j) "Recognised" with its grammatical variations used with reference by the
Board for the purpose of admission to the privileges of the Board;
(k) "Regulation" means a regulation made by the Board under this Act
(l) "Secondary Education" means the education which follows immediately the
stage of Middle School Education and precedes immediately the stage of education
controlled by the Universities established by law in India,"
(m) "Scheduled Caste" means a member of any caste. race or tribe or part of or
group within a caste, race or tribe specified as Scheduled Caste with respect to the state
of Madhya Pradesh under article 341 of the Constitution of India;
(n) "Schedule Tribe" means a members of any tribe, tribal community or part of
or group within a tribal or tribal community specified as such with respect to the state
of Madhya Pradesh, under article 342 of the constitution of india.